With winter comes the winter goals list.
- Go Snowboarding – Woot for easy goals! The plan is to get a 4day pass, and actually use it.
- Go to the Dentist – And woot for impossible goals! I don’t mean to be rude; but FUCK dentists. FUCK THEM TO HELL. I have an irrational dislike for dentists, as everyone who has ever seen me smile knows. And while I am able to rationalize that dislike, I can not rationalize the ugly in my mouth. So I need to fix it.
- Carlsbad Caverns – Not the walk around the big cave tour, but the crawl around the muck version. Spencer and I have been talking about doing this for a few months, and now is the time to make it happen. It looks like it’ll be at a 3 day weekend with plenty of climbing and crawling.
- Get My Damn Passport – I realize that it is a small and simple thing but dammit I need to do it. So I shall do it!
- Build the TV Computer Server Thingy – It costs $300. I need to set aside the money, buy the parts, put them together, install the software, and hook it all up.
- Improve the Sexy – I have changed the wardrobe, got a hair cut, and I am going to the dentist; what else do I need to do? I must admit, I didn’t realize how much stuff I was /not/ paying attention too. So I shall take a continuing look makes me look unsexy, and decide what is worth fixing.
- Get a motorcycle license.
- Clean the house – Garage and Basement are, as always, the big projects, but I am slowly taking care of the rest of the house.
- Fix the house – The light switch in the garage, the basement door, the backyard fence… what else? Maybe thicker doors on the bedrooms. And look into the garage door, it is a horrible thing.
If I have time
- Gather my memorabilia and find ways to display it.
- Collect my old pictures and convert them to electronic format.
- Fix the Car – The O2 sensor needs to be replaced, the passenger side back door seal needs to be replaced. What else?
- Decorate the walls of the house – I have been told that using the blood of the innocents is not an acceptable option. It needs to be pictures and shit.
- Learn to Longboard – Not even sure if I care. But it could be fun, and alternative methods of locomotion ftw.
Character Growth
- Keep a grip on my spontaneity and chaos driven life style – Just because I am becoming more organized does not mean that I can not be spontaneous and chaotic. It does mean that my spontaneity and chaos will be more informed. I will understand the consequences of my actions, and I will accept that I must deal with those consequences.
- Get people to talk more– I like to hear what people have to say and I want to understand why they think what they think and believe what they believe. Mostly I want to hear the stories of their lives. Unfortunately I have a bad habit of talking over people. So, I need to develop my conversational skills.
- RASA: Receive, Appreciate, Summarize, Ask – This is a method that a friend of mine uses in her conversations, and it seems to be an excellent method of getting information from people.
- When drunk, listen more – Want to get me telling stories? No need for a truth serum; just get me drunk. Granted I don’t get drunk that often. Maybe once every 2-3 months. But when I do I should work at engaging other people, not just talking their ears off. People are cool, and have their own stories. I should try to listen to them.
- Improve my understanding of non-verbal cues – Not all people communicate verbally, a lot of people use non-verbal cues to communicate. I tend to plow right over such non-verbal communication in the belief that if you do not think it is important enough to say, then it is not important enough for me to notice. However I should be paying more attention to people’s non-verbal cue’s so that my choices to ignore their non-verbal communication is an informed choice.
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